

標題 公告日期
【課程停修申請】113-1學期,申請時間113/11/11至12/13,上網申請。 【1131 Semester Application for Withdrawal】The On-Line Application is from November, 11th to December, 13th.2024-11-11
*113-1畢業生「中、英文姓名確認」113-1 "Chinese name & English name confirmation" for Graduates2024-11-04
【預備研究生】113學年度學士班學生修讀碩士班課程(原名稱:預備研究生)獎學金第一次核發清冊 【Pre-graduate student】113 Academic Year Scholarships for Undergraduate Students Studying Master''s Degree Program【Original name: bachelor/master 4+1 program】on the first Approved List2024-10-24
【輔系/雙主修】113-1學期「雙輔雙金」獎勵申請(即日起至11/15)【Minor/Double Major】113-1semester "Minor/Double Major Award" Application (Starts from now to November 15th)2024-10-18
*113學年度第1學期研究生「學位考試進度通知」、「中原大學碩博士論文撰寫格式規範」及「中原大學研究生離校注意事項」113-1 semester "Notice of Degree examination Schedule" , " CYCU Guidelines about the Format of Thesis " and " CYCU Information about the Graduation Procedures for Postgraduate " for Postgraduates2024-10-18
*【畢業】113學年度第1學期大學部延肄生學期間畢業證書領取作業流程及數位學位證書申請核發作業 113-1 semester Graduation Certificate issuance and Digital Certificate of Degree application for Deferral students2024-10-16
午休時間教室開放公告 Announcement about opening hours of classrooms in the Teaching Building(Chen Chih Hall) during lunch break time2024-09-10
【113-1學期學分費設定公告】113-1 Credit fee Announcement2024-06-28
【曾修2門全英語專業課程】Have studied 2 EMI Courses (English as a Medium of Instruction)2020-11-23


CYCU Course Selection

Providing instruction about Course Selection System procedures, Courses Registration and Filtering, manual add/drop courses, and… ﹤more﹥

Summer Course Selection

Summer courses offering on summer vacation, help students make up for failed subjects that influences those following courses; meanwhile, offering… ﹤more﹥

Inter-school Course Selection

Providing Inter-school Course Selection procedure for “CYCU or Non- CYCU” students, including system instruction, application procedure…﹤more﹥

Administration & services center

Integrating professional works about academic affairs, student affairs and services for CYCU alumni, supplying convenient administration services, creating comfortable…﹤more﹥

Adaptive transfer program

Do not use study grades as examination threshold, students are supplied with interview opportunity, which being a turning point for them, including information…﹤more﹥

Pre-graduate students

Encouraging excellent fresh graduates to engage in advanced study, students applying for preparatory postgraduate could take institute courses in senior to complete…﹤more﹥


All of important affairs and activities schedule in English version…﹤more﹥

Minor/Double major

Encouraging students to develop second expertise, which is ready to have the ability for self-accomplish and job-required skills could…<more>


A private university alliance which is formed by 12 excellent universities in Taiwan. Students in the alliance can apply domestic exchange students, double majors/minors, inter-collegiate course﹤more﹥

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