
Title Date
113-1學期【專業自主學習學分】自113年9月23日起開放申請!!詳情請見公告內容。113-1 semester Professional Self-Directed Learning Credits open for application from 9/23. 2024-10-11
113-1同儕精進讀書會開始申請囉!!!!快組隊來挑戰吧~活動延長報名至10/13!!!(113-1 semester Study Group begins to apply!!) 2024-10-11
你許願,我們幫你實現!參加能力培育學習坊,實現你的夢想!You make a wish, and we help you make it come true! Participating in Learning Workshop and realize your dreams! 2024-10-11
113-1學期*補助*獎勵經濟不利學生/專業證照/外語文能力檢定/修習微型及跨領域學程[Subsidize and reward students who are economically disadvantaged / Professional Certificates / Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment / Completion of Micro and Interdisciplinary Studies] 2024-10-11
【113-1專業證照獎勵】申請期間:9/23-12/4。113-1 Professional Certificate Incentive 2024-10-11
113-1學期與日俱進獎勵金申請相關事宜 113-1 Reward Application Of Advancing Day By Day 2024-10-11
【113-2學期跨領域學分學程/微型學程申請】作業時間及流程(113.10.2-11.11) 【Interdisciplinary Course Program/Micro Program】Application for 113-2 semester Interdisciplinary Course Program and Micro Program From OCT 2nd to NOV 11th 2024-10-11
【113-1微積分期中考考前輔導】輔導諮詢室及考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【113-1 the tutorial for Calculus(I) 】 2024-10-11
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