

標題 公告日期
113-2學期未依規定繳交語言實習費、專業場地器材使用費之學生退選名單 113-2 semester: The list of dropped students who have not paid the language practice fees, and the usage of professional venue and equipment fees in accordance with the regulations.2025-03-07
【報名】114學年度學士班學生修讀碩士班課程甄選(原名稱:預備研究生)申請說明會 Information on 114 Academic Year Guidelines for Undergraduate Students Studying Master''s Degree Program Courses 【Original Name: bachelor/master 4+1 program】: Please sign up2025-03-05
114學年度學士班學生修讀碩士班課程甄選(原名稱:預備研究生)(3/26-4/25) 114 Academic Year Application for Undergraduate Students Studying Master''s Degree Program Courses 【Original name: bachelor/master 4+1 program】(From March 26th to April 25th)2025-03-05
【退學】113學年度第2學期逾期未註冊退學名單【Withdrawal】113-2 semester the List of Students Withdrawn for Late Registration2025-03-05
【輔系/雙主修】中原大學學生113-1「雙輔雙金」獎勵申請通過名單【Minor/Double Major】113-1 semester "Minor/Double Major Award" Approved List2025-02-27
午休時間教室開放公告 Announcement about opening hours of classrooms in the Teaching Building(Chen Chih Hall) during lunch break time2025-02-04
【113-2學期學分費設定公告】113-2 Credit fee Announcement2025-01-10
114學年度適性轉系作業時程公告 Academic year 114 - The schedule for change of major2025-01-06


CYCU Course Selection

Providing instruction about Course Selection System procedures, Courses Registration and Filtering, manual add/drop courses, and… ﹤more﹥

Summer Course Selection

Summer courses offering on summer vacation, help students make up for failed subjects that influences those following courses; meanwhile, offering… ﹤more﹥

Inter-school Course Selection

Providing Inter-school Course Selection procedure for “CYCU or Non- CYCU” students, including system instruction, application procedure…﹤more﹥

Administration & services center

Integrating professional works about academic affairs, student affairs and services for CYCU alumni, supplying convenient administration services, creating comfortable…﹤more﹥

Adaptive transfer program

Do not use study grades as examination threshold, students are supplied with interview opportunity, which being a turning point for them, including information…﹤more﹥

Pre-graduate students

Encouraging excellent fresh graduates to engage in advanced study, students applying for preparatory postgraduate could take institute courses in senior to complete…﹤more﹥


All of important affairs and activities schedule in English version…﹤more﹥

Minor/Double major

Encouraging students to develop second expertise, which is ready to have the ability for self-accomplish and job-required skills could…<more>


A private university alliance which is formed by 12 excellent universities in Taiwan. Students in the alliance can apply domestic exchange students, double majors/minors, inter-collegiate course﹤more﹥

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