This project aims to promote student-centered self-directed learning programs that are linked to the professional courses or project-based learning (PBL) courses that students are taking. The project will explore related topics within these courses to inspire students’ interest in self-directed learning and to cultivate their ability to apply professional knowledge and problem-solving skills. The ultimate goal is to create a campus atmosphere that encourages self-directed learning.

  1. Qualifications

A team of 5 to 7 current students (including undergraduate and graduate students) from our university may apply for this program. The team must hire a teacher who teaches the relevant course as a consultant to assist with planning learning goals, learning processes, budget allocation, implementation progress, and evaluation.

  1. Application time

The application form will be available for mailing from April to May each year, and the review results will be announced in June. The program will run until September. The detailed schedule will be announced mainly through i-touch.

  1. Procedures

The team must submit a midterm progress report when the project execution period is halfway through. The progress report will be reviewed by the judging committee, and suggestions will be provided. At the end of the execution period, the team must submit a final report, an execution effectiveness presentation, and personal reflections, and present them at the review meeting.

  1. Grants and Awards

Grants: The project team will receive funding for material costs, transportation expenses, speech fees, and meal expenses required for the project execution, as long as the application passes the initial review.

Awards: At the end of the execution period, the team will be awarded a group reward, and each team member will receive an individual certificate of achievement. The consultant will also receive a certificate of recognition. The award winners will be determined based on the final review.

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