"Learning is the source of happiness. Even if you don't care about achieving success in the future, learning will definitely make you feel fulfilled in your current life."—by Romain Rolland          "Knowledge is a kind of happiness, and curiosity is the bud of knowledge."— by Francis Bacon


Title Date
【1131課業守護學伴】申請及說明會事宜,即日起開放申請至113年11月22日,請教師踴躍申請並邀請學伴務必參與說明會! The peer learning program application and orientation.2024-11-21
【113-1微積分第二次會考考前輔導】輔導諮詢室及考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【113-1the tutorial for Calculus(I) 】2024-11-21
【填問卷抽好禮】填寫關鍵能力評估問卷,抽7-11商品卷,最高500元,中原大學在學學生皆可參加!Fill out the Key Competency Questionnaire and win 7-11 gift vouchers!2024-11-21
【113-1課業守護公告】相關學習、諮詢、輔導時間表 113-1 Announcement of Tutorial2024-11-21
樂學園聖誕小卡活動 | 一起打造更好的自學空間! Christmas Card Activity | Let''s Build a Better Self-Learning Space Together!2024-11-21
【延長申請至11/24】113-1學業成績進步獎來囉!!等你組隊來挑戰~!! (113-1 semester Academic Progress Award begin to apply!!)2024-11-21
2024學發中心創新課程成果展 (2024 Innovative courses Achievements Exhibition)2024-11-21
【113-1專業證照獎勵】申請期間:9/23-12/4。113-1 Professional Certificate Incentive2024-11-21
【樂高機器人x程式設計工作坊】創客教育邁向發明家之路:12/15(日)用樂高學程式,工作坊名額有限,趕快來報名 [LEGO x Programming Workshop] Maker Education on the Path to Becoming an Inventor.2024-11-21
中原大學113學年度第一學期AI聯盟(TAICA)期末同步考試資訊及規則CYCU 113-1 TAICA Final Synchronous Exam Information and Rules2024-11-21
你許願,我們幫你實現!參加能力培育學習坊,實現你的夢想!You make a wish, and we help you make it come true! Participating in Learning Workshop and realize your dreams!2024-11-21
【能力培育學習坊】11/28 AI智慧校園-GPT應用到日常生活 Learning Workshop:AI Smart Campus - GPT Applications in Daily Life2024-11-19
[中獎公告]申請113-2學期跨領域學程或微型學程得獎名單出爐啦!! 11月15日(五)至11月22日(五)開放領獎~ Semester 113-2 Interdisciplinary Course Program or Micro Program Winner List Announcement!! NOV 15th (Fri) to NOV 22th(Fri)2024-11-19
【慶恩樂學園】活水來討論坊線上預約系統 The Discussion Corner Borrowing System2017-02-06


Curriculum Enhancement

To enhance the curriculum framework and content, we will implement a curriculum evaluation system, increase the number of elective credits, encourage the development of innovative courses, and…<more>

Learning Facilitation

We have complete learning promotion mechanisms and provide diverse autonomous learning spaces. We also regularly organize autonomous learning activities for students to stimulate their creative thinking….<more>

Learning Guidance

Based on the different stages of students’ learning problems, tutors, counseling centers, and Center forLearning Enhancement provide …<more>


C-map converts academic grades into skill development values, seamlessly connecting campus learning with future career competitiveness….﹤more﹥

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