Administrative Announcement

【113-1課業守護公告】相關學習、諮詢、輔導時間表 113-1 Announcement of Tutorial2024-10-21
【113-1微積分期中考考前輔導】輔導諮詢室及考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【113-1 the tutorial for Calculus(I) 】2024-10-21
【113-1普通物理期中考前輔導】考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【113-1the tutorial for General Physics 】2024-10-21
【教育部博士生獎學金補助計畫】開始申請,每月補助博士生2萬元獎學金,申請時間到113年10月31日 The application for the Ministry of Education''s Doctoral Student Scholarship Program has begun. It offers a monthly scholarship of 20,000 NT dollars for doctoral students. The application period is until October 31, 2024.2024-10-21
【報名】113-1學期學士班學生輔系、雙主修、自主設計跨領域專長申請說明會Information on 113-1 semester Bachelor Minor/Double Major/Self-designed interdisciplinary fields of study Please sign up for the conference.2024-10-18
113學年度第1學期研究生「學位考試進度通知」、「中原大學碩博士論文撰寫格式規範」及「中原大學研究生離校注意事項」113-1 semester "Notice of Degree examination Schedule" , " CYCU Guidelines about the Format of Thesis " and " CYCU Information about the Graduation Procedures for Postgraduate " for Postgraduates2024-10-18
【113-2學期跨領域學分學程/微型學程申請】作業時間及流程(113.10.2-11.11) 【Interdisciplinary Course Program/Micro Program】Application for 113-2 semester Interdisciplinary Course Program and Micro Program From OCT 2nd to NOV 11th2024-10-18
【輔系/雙主修】113-1學期「雙輔雙金」獎勵申請(即日起至11/15)【Minor/Double Major】113-1semester "Minor/Double Major Award" Application (Starts from now to November 15th)2024-10-18
【輔系/雙主修】113-2學期學士班學生輔系、雙主修申請(10/2-11/11) 【Minor/Double Major】113-2 semester Minor/Double Major Application for Undergraduates (From October 2 to November 11)2024-10-18
113-1學期與日俱進獎勵金申請相關事宜 113-1 Reward Application Of Advancing Day By Day2024-10-16
你許願,我們幫你實現!參加能力培育學習坊,實現你的夢想!You make a wish, and we help you make it come true! Participating in Learning Workshop and realize your dreams!2024-10-16
113學年度第一學期多益校園考試 TOEIC® Listening and Reading Institutional Score Report.2024-10-16
112-2學業成績進步獎結果出來囉!!!!內含獎勵金及好文徵稿活動~~~( The Academic Progress Award announcement for the 112-2 semester )( Reward information and reflections).2024-10-16
What’s Next: Future-Focused Higher Education 高等教育國際論壇暨海報展2024-10-16
【113-1專業證照獎勵】申請期間:9/23-12/4。113-1 Professional Certificate Incentive2024-10-16
【畢業】113學年度第1學期大學部延肄生學期間畢業證書領取作業流程及數位學位證書申請核發作業 113-1 semester Graduation Certificate issuance and Digital Certificate of Degree application for Deferral students2024-10-16
113-1學期*補助*獎勵經濟不利學生/專業證照/外語文能力檢定/修習微型及跨領域學程[Subsidize and reward students who are economically disadvantaged / Professional Certificates / Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment / Completion of Micro and Interdisciplinary Studies]2024-10-16
初審名單出爐囉!!!~~~113-1同儕精進讀書會開始申請囉!!!!快組隊來挑戰!!(113-1 semester Study Group begins to apply!!)2024-10-15
113-1學業成績進步獎來囉!!等你組隊來挑戰~!! (113-1 semester Academic Progress Award begin to apply!!)2024-10-15
112-2優良TA&優良課守名單出爐!!!頒獎典禮時間地點詳見公告!!112-2 semester the award ceremony of the excellent !!2024-10-15
【自主設計跨領域專長】113-2學期學士班學生自主設計跨領域專長申請(10/2-11/11) 【Self-designed interdisciplinary fields of study】113-2semester Bachelor Self-designed interdisciplinary fields of study (From October 2 to November 11)2024-09-25
【退學】113學年度第1學期逾期未註冊退學名單【Withdrawal】113-1 semester the List of Students Withdrawn for Late Registration2024-09-25
午休時間教室開放公告 Announcement about opening hours of classrooms in the Teaching Building(Chen Chih Hall) during lunch break time2024-09-10
【教發中心】113-1學期教師諮詢服務 113-1 semester Consultancy For Teachers2024-09-06
【113-1學期學分費設定公告】113-1 Credit fee Announcement2024-06-28
【曾修2門全英語專業課程】Have studied 2 EMI Courses (English as a Medium of Instruction)2020-11-23
【慶恩樂學園】活水來討論坊線上預約系統 The Discussion Corner Borrowing System2017-02-06
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