Department of Information and Computer Engineering
- Everyone has different learning abilities; teachers shouldn’t pick students to teach, but rather, they are willing to teach as long as students are willing to learn.
- We are not only teachers to students but also their friends. Besides imparting professional knowledge, if students need assistance with other matters, we should do our best to guide them.
- Utilize the power of peers; the success of teaching is not measured by how much we teach students but by how much they learn (whether it’s directly from our teaching or not).
- Engineering knowledge may be complex, but rote memorization should be avoided. Every theory or method has its physical significance, and learners should understand this significance before they can generalize concepts.
- 每個人的學習能力不同,老師不能挑學生教,只要學生願意學,老師就願意教。
- 我們是學生的老師,也是學生的朋友,除了專業知識外,學生若有其他事情需要協助,我們應盡己所能予以指導。
- 善用同儕的力量,教學的成功不在於我們教了學生多少,而是學生學習了多少(無論是否是從你的教學中學得的)。
- 工程知識或許艱深但不應死背,任何理論或作法都有其物理意義,學習者應理解其意義,之後才能舉一反三。