CDIO Innovative Teaching Workshop:
In the global education that advocates curricula innovation and innovative teaching approach, the Worldwide CDIO Initiative Institute has promoted and innovative teaching framework that emphasizes on Conceive (C), Design (D), Implement (I), and Operate (O) to cultivate the next generation Engineering Education talents.
Therefore, to promote CDIO innovative curriculum framework, Chung Yuan Christian University piloted the program in the College of Engineering in the early stage.
Utilizing the IEET engineering curriculum framework and incorporating the CDIO innovative curriculum framework, which has developed relatively mature after years of promotion.
Based on the evaluation of the implementation, the program will be gradually expanding to all departments. The innovative curriculum will cultivate students through 4 core components of the CDIO framework, Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate (CDIO), and design a curriculum structure for the first to the fourth year.
This will ultimately showcase the achievement of the integrating theory and practice through the implementation of CDIO process.