標題 |
公告日期 |
【113-1普通物理期末考前輔導】考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【113-1the tutorial for General Physics 】 | 2024-12-20 |
【113-2學習關懷專班】微積分(下)、普通物理學分重修班開課_即日起開放報名登記 【113-2 the program for Calculus(II) & General physics】 On-line Registration | 2024-12-20 |
【113-1微積分期末考考前輔導】輔導諮詢室及考前加強班資訊公告,請學生踴躍參與! 【113-1 the tutorial for Calculus(I) 】 | 2024-12-20 |
中原大學113-2學期AI聯盟(TAICA)開課資訊。113-2 TAICA Course Information(12/18有增加開課人數,歡迎同學利用第二階段登記時間選課) | 2024-12-20 |
【期末問卷來抽獎!!】113-1課業守護滿意度問卷開放填寫,大聲說出你的感謝吧!! Let’s fill out the tutoring questionnaire to win the prizes! | 2024-12-20 |
【113-1期末教學評量﹝有抽獎活動!!﹞】 填問卷有機會抽『平板』、『AirPods』等大獎唷~~~填答時間:113/12/9~114/1/5 113-1 Semester Course survey 113/12/9-114/1/5 | 2024-12-20 |
113-1期末教學助理(TA)線上評量開始囉!!~(113-1 End-of-Semester Teaching Assistant Questionnaire) | 2024-12-18 |
樂學園聖誕小卡活動 | 一起打造更好的自學空間! Christmas Card Activity | Let''s Build a Better Self-Learning Space Together! | 2024-12-18 |
你許願,我們幫你實現!參加能力培育學習坊,實現你的夢想!You make a wish, and we help you make it come true! Participating in Learning Workshop and realize your dreams! | 2024-12-18 |
【113-1課業守護公告】相關學習、諮詢、輔導時間表 113-1 Announcement of Tutorial | 2024-12-18 |
【113學年度第2學期校際選課申請日程】113-2 Semester Inter-school Course Selection Application Schedule | 2024-12-12 |
公告113-2學期選課報報 (12/11至12/15 第一階段登記) Announcement of Course Selection Guideline & Schedule for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 | 2024-12-11 |
113-2學期僑外生專班「微積分」、「語文與修辭」課程,線上表單登記時間:113/12/25(三)0:00起至114/2/24(一)08:00止。 113-2 semester the "Calculus" and "Literacy and Rhetoric" courses for the Overseas Chinese and foreign students, the online form will register from 00:00 on December, 25th (Wed.) to 08:00 on February, 24th (Mon.) | 2024-12-05 |
113-2學期各開課單位預研生 選課資訊公告 CYCU 113-2 semester Announcement of each course providing unit on Course Selection information about Pre-graduate students | 2024-12-04 |
113-2學期各開課單位輔系/雙主修 選課資訊公告 CYCU 113-2 semester Announcement of each course providing unit on Course Selection information about Minor/Double major students | 2024-12-04 |
【輔系/雙主修】113學年度第2學期輔系、雙主修申請修讀核准名單【Minor/Double Major】113-2 semester Minor/Double Major Application Approved List | 2024-12-03 |
【學士班修讀碩士班課程(原名稱:預備研究生)】113學年度第一學期學士班學生獲錄取修讀碩士班課程(原名稱:優秀預備研究生)獎學金核發清冊 【Undergraduate Students Studying Master''s Degree Program (Original name: Bachelor/Master 4+1 Program)】113-1 Scholarships Approved List for Undergraduate Students Studying Master''s Degree Program(Original name: Outstanding Bachelor/Master 4+1 Program) | 2024-12-02 |
*113學年度第1學期研究生「學位考試進度通知」、「中原大學碩博士論文撰寫格式規範」及「中原大學研究生離校注意事項」113-1 semester "Notice of Degree examination Schedule" , " CYCU Guidelines about the Format of Thesis " and " CYCU Information about the Graduation Procedures for Postgraduate " for Postgraduates | 2024-10-18 |
午休時間教室開放公告 Announcement about opening hours of classrooms in the Teaching Building(Chen Chih Hall) during lunch break time | 2024-09-10 |
【教發中心】113-1學期教師諮詢服務 113-1 semester Consultancy For Teachers | 2024-09-06 |
【113-1學期學分費設定公告】113-1 Credit fee Announcement | 2024-06-28 |
【服役彈性修業】「中原大學學士班學生就學期間服役彈性修業措施」及申請作業事宜 | 2024-03-05 |
【曾修2門全英語專業課程】Have studied 2 EMI Courses (English as a Medium of Instruction) | 2020-11-23 |
【慶恩樂學園】活水來討論坊線上預約系統 The Discussion Corner Borrowing System | 2017-02-06 |